+27 (011) 614 0003 | info@digitaldrawer.co.za



How DigitalDrawer Can Help Your Law Office

The legal profession is one of the most paper-intensive professions in existence. The quantity of documents within a case file can be huge, and the ability to manage those files can be critical. For any given case, you could have countless forms, depositions, affidavits, pleadings, notices, correspondence, and other documents that need to be kept in an easily-accessible, secure location.

Most law firms keep these current case files in folders either in the attorney’s office, an attic, or in a file room, which is usually nothing more than an office that is being used to store files. This can be a big waste of space and money, and also can add to the clutter within the office.

DigitalDrawer allows your law firm to:

  • Store case files in an electronic filing system so that you can quickly find any file in seconds
  • Significantly improve research capabilities, allowing you to find any document in your system by simply typing a word or phrase that exists in the document
  • Reuse valuable office space



Key Features


  • Familiar Windows-based Folders
  • Easy Searches using Keywords
  • Scan Directly or Drag & Drop Documents
  • Full-text Document Search
  • Highlight, Add Notes, Redact Documents
  • Use with PDF, Word and Excel, JPEG, TIFF files


More DigitalDrawer Features